National Grassland Research Institute | 論文
- Management of nitrogen fertilizer application rates based on soil nitrogen fertility with the goal of lowering nitrate nitrogen concentrations in Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf)(Plant Nutrition)
- 中国産Mythimna属の新種および稀な種の記載(鱗翅目,ヤガ科)
- 中国産Mythimna属(鱗翅目,ヤガ科)3新種の記載
- タイ産Mythimna属の一新種の記載(鱗翅目,ヤガ科)
- Effects of Different Additives on the Fermentation Quality of Corn and Alfalfa Silage
- Effects of Lactobacilli and Cellulase Addition on the Fermentation Quality of Corn Stover Silage
- サトウキビのスクロース含有率とスクロースリン酸シンターゼ活性の関係
- インゲンマメ(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)の耐暑性品種の結莢性における高温馴化と脱馴化
- サトウキビの早期高糖性と生長およびインベルターゼ活性との関係
- 温度および施肥がサトウキビの生長, スクロース含有率およびインベルターゼ活性に及ぼす影響
- インゲンマメ(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)の着莢における熱ストレス感受性期
- 石垣島におけるパイナップル圃場の土壌保全を目的とした芝草類の畦間被覆作物としての利用技術
- サトウキビにおけるカルスの液体振とう培養と植物体再生
- 12 パイナップル畑の土壌侵食に対する被覆作物の効果(九州支部講演要旨(その2))
- The effect of replacing brewers' grains with barley tea grounds in total mixed ration silage on feed intake, digestibility and ruminal fermentation in wethers
- Influence of replacing brewers' grains with green tea grounds on feed intake, digestibility and ruminal fermentation characteristics of wethers
- Comparative Studies of Lactobacilli and Enterococci Associated with Forage Crops as Silage Inoculants
- Comparative Studies of Lactobacilli and Enterococci Associated with Forage Crops as Silage Inoculants
- Bionomics of the Halictine Bees in Northern Japan III. Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) allodalum, with Remarks on the Serially Arranged Cells in the Halictine Nests
- Bionomics of the Halictine Bees in Northern Japan : II. Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) sakagamii (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae), with Taxonomic Notes on Allied Species