National Defense Acad. Yokosuka Jpn | 論文
- Advanced Retrograde Well Technology for 90-nm-Node Embedded Static Random Access Memory Using High-Energy Parallel Beam
- The Effects on Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor Properties of Nitrogen Implantation into p^+ Polysilicon Gate
- A 0.4 μm Gate-All-Around TFT (GAT) Using a Dummy Nitride Pattern for High-Density Memories
- Structure and Electrical Properties of Thin Ta_2O_5 Deposited on Metal Electrodes
- Properties of Highly Oriented Ta_2O_5 on Metal Electrodes
- Shot Leveling and Focusing with Interferometry for Optical Lithography of Sub-Half-Micron LSI
- Optical Measurement of Acoustic Velocity and Poisson's Ratio in Disk Piezoelectric Transducer
- Space-Periodic Modulation Model of Piezoelectric Polarization Due to Photorefractive Internal Field for Generation of Nonlinear Vibration
- Optical Measurement of Piezoelectric Vibration in Circular Rod and Disk Ceramics
- Measurement of Piezoelectric Vibration Using Optical Fiber : Ultrasonic Measurement
- Flower-Inducing Activity of Lysine in Lemna paucicostata 6746
- A New Pulsed Laser Deposition Method Using an Aperture Plate
- Annealing of Excimer-Laser-Ablated BaTiO_3 Thin Films
- Deposition of BaTiO_3 Thin Films by ArF Excimer Laser Ablation
- Efficient Light Deflection of a Narrow Guided Beam in LiNbO_3 Using Two SAW Pulses
- 「第6回有機エレクトロニクス国際シンポジウム(ISOME2010)」開催報告 : M&BE研究活性化支援金 活動報告
- n-InSb Point Contact Warm Carrier Infrared Laser Detectors : Waves, Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Measurement of the Sound Velocity in Liquids Using a Leaky Lamb Wave Transducer Composed of a Layer-Structured Substrate
- On the Design of a Multivariable Adaptive Flight Control System
- Separation of Neutral Glycoasparagines According to Their Content of cis Diol Groups