NTT LSI laboratories | 論文
- Statistical Threshold Fluctuations in Si-MOSFETs : Jellium vs. Atomistic Dopant Variations
- A High-Speed Feed-Forward BiNMOS Driver for Low-Voltage LSIs (Special Section on Low-Power and Low-Voltage Integrated Circuits)
- General-Purpose Device Simulation System with an Effective Graphic Interface
- Interface Structures in AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Wells Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)
- C-10-21 High Frequency Oscillators based on Active Transmission Lines Loaded with Resonant Tunneling Diode Pairs
- C-10-20 共用共振器を省略した共鳴トンネル3次高調波発振器(C-10.電子デバイス,一般セッション)
- A New Photochemical Selective Silylation Technique for Resist Materials
- Image Reversal Characteristics of a Novel Silicone-Based Positive Photoresist (SPP) in Near UV Lithography : Resist Material and Process
- An Automated Approach to Generating Leaf Cells for a Macro Cell Configuration
- X-Ray Mask Inspection Using Replicated Resist Patterns
- Evolution of Mixed-Signal Communications LSIs (Special Issue on Multimedia, Analog and Processing LSIs)
- Digital Correction Technique for Multi-Stage Noise-Shaping with an RC-Analog Integrator (Special Issue on Multimedia, Analog and Processing LSIs)
- Dependence of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Ultrathin Film Surface Morphology on Substrate and Growth Temperature
- Temperature Dependence of the Phase Coherence Length of High-Mobility AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Wire Rings
- Wave Propagation in a Cylindrical Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Chamber
- Optical Sampling of Electrical Signals in Poled Polymeric Media (Special Issue on Optical/Microwave Interaction Devices, Circuits and Systems)
- Database with LSI Failure Analysis Navigator (Special Issue on Scientific ULSI Manufacturing Technology)
- Medium Scale Integrated Circuits Using Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Transistors
- High-Performance Top-Gate Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors and Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Inverters Realized by Controlling Interface Charges
- Hole Pattern Fabrication using Halftone Phase-Shifting Masks in KrF Lithography