Da-Yeh Univ. | 論文
- Surface characterization and bond strengths between Ti-20Cr-1X alloys and low fusing porcelain
- P-33 Biomedical porous titanium alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and powder sintering
- P-59 Effects of surface treatments on phase transformation of dental zirconia
- P-29 Formation of calcium phosphates on biomedical porous titanium alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and powder sintering
- P-12 Characterization of surface modified zirconia by hydrothermal method
- P-55 Preparation and characteristics of bone-like apatite nanopowder
- P-15 Porous pure titanium prepared by sponge replication method for biomedical applications
- P-14 Chemical treatment and bioactivity of nanotubular anodized Ti alloy
- P-54 Phase transformation of dental porcelain fused to zirconia
- P-31 Evaluation of corrosion behavior and biocompatibility of biomedical Ti-25Nb-xSn alloys
- Effects of surface treatments on phase transformation of dental zirconia
- Biomedical porous titanium alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and powder sintering
- P-50 Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Mo-Cr alloys
- P-51 Bond strengths between Ti-25Nb-xSn alloys and low-fusing porcelain
- P-43 Corrosion behavior and biocompatibility of Ti-10Zr-xMo alloys for biomedical application
- Phase transformation of dental porcelain fused to zirconia
- P-42 Characteristics and microstructure of porous Ti-5Nb-5Mo alloy for biomedical applications
- Evaluation of corrosion behavior and biocompatibility of biomedical Ti-25Nb-xSn alloys
- Formation of calcium phosphates on biomedical porous titanium alloys prepared by mechanical alloying and powder sintering
- P-10 Evaluation of porous Y-TZP scaffold coated with bioglass