Anelva Corporation | 論文
- Ba_2Y_1Cu_3O_ Oxidation by Thermodynamic Nonequilibrium High-Temperature (TNH) Plasma
- Remote Plasma Deposition of a-SiC:H Films Using Novel Source Material
- Mechanism of Plasma Assisted a-SiC:H Film Deposition
- Variation of Stress and Hardness of a-Sic:H Films with Film Composition
- リモートプラズマCVD法による有機金属錯体からの銅薄膜の作製と反応過程
- Remote Plasma SiO_2 Deposition by Tetraethoxysilane with Chemically and Energetically Different Atomic Species
- Photoluminescent Properties of a-SiC:H Films Deposited by Organosilanes in Remote H2 Plasma
- リモートプラズマCVD法による有機シリコン材料からのシリコン系ワイドギャップ半導体薄膜の作製
- 水素リモートプラズマアフターグローによる有機金属錯体からの銅薄膜の堆積と評価
- Superiority of O(^1D) atom for solid and gas phase reactions over O(^3P) atom
- Properties of Atomic Oxygen obtained from Thermodynamically Non-equilibrium High Temperature Plasma
- 29aYA-13 多モード 2 光子対の時間相関関数
- Effects of Discharge Frequency on the Ion-Current Density and Etching Characteristics in High-Density Cl_2 Plasmas
- Molecular Beam Flux Monitor Using Cold Cathode Discharge Induced Emission Spectroscopy
- 分光学における極限を探る : II. 極限的時間分解分光
- 27pHC-7 P3HT薄膜における束縛ポーラロンペアの超高速緩和過程(27pHC 非線形光学/超高速現象,領域5(光物性))
- Magnetically Enhanced Dual Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma Source for Large-area Wafer Processing
- Relationship between Energetic Neutrals and Impurities in Sputtered Films
- Lattice Strain in Si_Ge_x Alloy and Si/Si_Ge_x Superlattice
- Variation of the Recombination Coefficient of Atomic Oxygen on Pyrex Glass with Applied RF Power