HAMAGAKI Manabu | RIKEN, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
HARA Tamio
Toyota Technological Institute
Aoyagi Y
Inst. Physics And Chemical Res. (riken) Wako Jpn
Aoyagi Yoshinobu
RIKEN, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
HARA Tamio
RIKEN, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
Hamagaki M
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Hamagaki Manabu
Akashi Technical Institute Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Hamagaki Manabu
Aoyagi Y
Semiconductor Laboratory Riken The Institute For Physical And Chemical Research
Hara T
Toyota Technological Inst. Nagoya Jpn
- 40 nm Width Structure of GaAs Fabricated by Fine Focused Ion Beam Lithography and Chlorine Reactive Ion Etching : Techniques, Instrumentations and Measurement
- Induced Defects in GaAs Etched by Low Energy Ions in Electron Beam excited Plasma(EBEP) System : Etching and Deposition Technology
- Layer-By-Layer Controlled Digital Etching by Means of an Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma System : Etching and Deposition Technology
- Layer-By-Layer Controlled Digital Etching by Means of an Electron-Beam-Excited Plasma System
- New High Current Low Energy Ion Source