特定非営利活動法人 日本臨床細胞学会 | 論文
- Cytological and histopathological study of HPV infection of the uterine cervix.
- 乳腺乳頭部腺腫の1例
- 乳腺細胞診―パパニコロウ分類からみた現報告様式の有用性の検討―:—パパニコロウ分類からみた現報告様式の有用性の検討—
- 尿細胞診で LBC 法が有用であった悪性リンパ腫の 1 例
- A case of xanthomatous meningioma-Usefulness of cytologic preparations in intraoperative diagnosis-:Usefulness of cytologic preparations in intraoperative diagnosis
- Immunocytochemical studies on brain tumors.
- Cytologic findings of malignant cells obtained by fine needle aspiration of primary lung cancer producing alpha-fetoprotein. A case report.
- Cytodiagnosis of Primary Carcinoma of the Liver
- Required adjustments for obtaining digital cytology images using telecytology
- 広範な化生を伴った増殖性Brenner腫瘍の1例
- A case of oncocytic carcinoid of the lung
- Aspiration cytology and needle biopsy of prostate cancer.
- Preoperative cytological diagnosis of uterine sarcoma.
- Spindle cell carcinoma of the breast. a case report.
- 乳腺腫瘤を形成したマンソン孤虫症の 1 例
- A case of metastatic rhabdomyosarcoma of the lung diagnosed by bronchial brushing cytology.
- Aspiration cytology of Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the Salivary gland: A double-immunohistochemical study for keratin and alpha-smooth muscle actin.:A double-immunohistochemical study for keratin and alpha-smooth muscle actin
- Aspiration Cytology of the Gallbladder:A report of two cases of match-like cells
- Endometrial cytology of renal cell carcinoma metastatic to the uterus-A case report-:A case report
- Two cases of ovarial carcinoid.