一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会 | 論文
- 成人発症nesidioblastosisによる難治性低血糖症に対してジアゾキサイドが長期にわたり有効であった1例
- Clinical Usefulness of MemCalc 1000 to Assess the Autonomic Nerve Function Test in Patients with Diabeses Mellitus.
- Effect of Pioglitazone on Insulin Receptors from Skeletal Muscle of High Fat-Fed Rats.
- 医療用ウジを用いた多剤耐性緑膿菌(MDRP)感染糖尿病性壊疽の治療
- Decreased amylase activity of the pancreas in NOD mice.
- Islet-cell surface antibodies and complement-dependent antibody-mediated cytotoxicity in the NOD mouse.
- Studies on a Diabetic Strain of Rat (WBN/Kob). 16th Report: Relationship between Dietary Fiber Intake and Development of Diabetes.:Relationship between Dietary Fiber Intake and Development of Diabetes
- 食事療法に苦慮した高度肥満合併妊娠糖尿病の1例
- Causes of Death in Diabetics
- Treatment of Diabetes with Guar Gum and Its Effect on the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Healthy Subjects and Diabetics
- A Case Report of Hyperinsulinism
- Studious on the Impaired Carbohydrate Metabolism Induced by High Fat Diet
- A Case of Slowly Progressive IDDM in the Progress of Serial Autoimmune Diseases.
- メタボリックモジュレーターと2型糖尿病発症予防―基礎的,臨床的研究の結果を踏まえて―4.エストロゲンと糖代謝
- Psychiatric Disturbance in Mitochondrial Diabetes due to 3243 mitochondrial tRNA mutation.
- A Case of Scleromyxedema Complicating Diabetic Nephropathy Treated by Hemodialysis.
- Blood glucose measurement using Dextrostix and a "Reflectance Meter" (Ames)
- Comparison of the hypoglycemic action of Gliclazide and Glibenclamide.
- Diabetic osteopenia in Japanese. A geographic study.:A Geographic Study
- Detection of Type C Insulin-Resistant Patients by an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Autophosphorylated Insulin Receptors.