Human Pulmonary Dirofilariasis : Report of Six Cases
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-12-01
Toyozaki Tetsuya
Division of Pathology, Institute of Pulmonary Cancer Research, Chiba University Graduate School of M
Department of Infection and Host Defense, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
YANO Akihiko
Department of Infection and Host Defense, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University
HATA Hidekazu
Department of Parasitology, Chiba University School of Medicine
Department of Parasitology, Chiba University School of Medicine
Iyoda Akira
Iyoda Akira
Division Of Pathology Institute Of Pulmonary Cancer Research
Aosai Fumie
Department Of Parasitology School Of Medicine Chiba University
Yano Akihiko
Department Of Parasitology School Of Medicine Chiba University
Yano Akihiko
Department Of Infection And Host Defense Chiba University
Ohwada Hidemi
Division Of Pathology Institute Of Pulmonary Cancer Research
Hata Hidekazu
Department Of Parasitology School Of Medicine Chiba University
Hata Hidekazu
Department Of Parasitology Chiba University School Of Medicine
Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Chiba Rosai Hospital
Hiroshima Kenzo
Division Of Pathology Institute Of Pulmonary Cancer Research
Divisions of Surgery, Institute of Pulmonary Cancer Research, Chiba University School of Medicine
Toyozaki Tetsuya
Division Of Pathology Institute Of Pulmonary Cancer Research
Yusa Toshikazu
Department Of General Thoracic Surgery Chiba Rosai Hospital
Yusa Toshikazu
Department Of Respiratory Surgery Chiba Rosai Hospital
Fujisawa Takehiko
Division Of Surgery Institute Of Pulmonary Cancer Research
Kobayashi Masashi
Department Of Medicine And Geriatrics Kochi Medical School And Department Of Cardiology Jichi Medica
Kobayashi Masashi
Department Of Parasitology School Of Medicine Chiba University
Kobayashi Masashi
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University
Department of Respiratory Surgery, Chiba Rosai Hospital
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