Metastatic Serous Adenocarcinoma Arising in the Adnexa Uteri and Forming Pleural Cysts on the Diaphragmatic Pleura
Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Prefectural Habikino Hospita
Iwasaki Teruo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kobe University
Sasada Shinji
Department Of Thoracic Malignancy Osaka Prefectural Medical Center For Respiratory And Allergic Dise
Kawahara Kunimitsu
Department Of Clinical Laboratory Osaka National Hospital
Kobayashi Masashi
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology Toyama Medical & Pharmaceutical University
Matsui Kaoru
Department of Thoracic Malignancy, Osaka Prefectural Medical Center for Respiratory and Allergic Diseases
- 日本から発信する血管病のEBM(第16回)JDDM研究--JDDM研究会の一連の疫学調査結果
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- 2型糖尿病患者における薬物療法に関する実態調査 (IV) : インスリン療法 : 投与方法と超速効型インスリンアナログ製剤の治療効果- (JDDM17)
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- Metastatic Serous Adenocarcinoma Arising in the Adnexa Uteri and Forming Pleural Cysts on the Diaphragmatic Pleura
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