Low-Energy Focused Ion Beam System and Direct Deposition of Au and Si
Murase K
Ntt Corp. Kanagawa Jpn
Junichi Yanagisawa
Department Of Physical Science Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka University:research Cent
- 縦型結合ドット配列中の電子状態
- 30pZD-8 融液急冷 Ge-Se ガラスの構造および構造変化
- 22pYP-12 ネットワークガラスの構造緩和および硬さの相転移
- 25pL-8 GeSe系ガラスの構造緩和とネットワークの変化
- 28pTC-9 Ge_xSe_(X=0.30〜0.37)ガラスのナノ相分離
- 28pTC-8 アモルファスGe_xSe_薄膜の熱アニール効果と光励起緩和過程
- 20aYH-12 AFMで微細加工した2次元電子系におけるWeiss振動
- 18pYH-2 多重細線ゲートの電気容量測定によるエッジチャネルの空間分布
- 17pYG-10 量子ホール系でのアンチドット超格子の磁気電気容量
- 28pYS-6 2次元電子系の磁気キャパシタンスとテラヘルツ分光
- 28pTC-7 硬さの相転移におけるネットワークガラスのダイナミクス
- 27pTC-12 微細ゲートを用いた電気容量測定によるエッジチャネルの空間分布
- 27pTC-11 量子ホール状態における二層二次元電子系の磁気電気容量
- 27pTB-14 縦型二重ドットにおけるドット間結合への光励起効果
- 磁気電子フォーカス効果で見た2次元電子系への面内磁場による影響
- 22pYP-11 Ge_xSe_ガラスの光学的振動モードラマンスペクトルの温度依存性
- 23pSA-11 二層二次元電子系の磁気電気容量
- 25pL-9 アモルファスSi/SiO_2多層膜のa-Siのラマン散乱
- 縦型結合ドット配列中の電子状態
- 28pYS-6 2次元電子系の磁気キャパシタンスとテラヘルツ分光
- Investigation of Hall Resistivity in Antidot Lattices with respect to Commensurability Oscillations
- On the Mechanism of Commensurability Oscillations in Anisotropic Antidot Lattices
- Current-Direction-Dependent Commensurate Oscillations in GaAs/AlGaAs Antidot Superlattice
- Metastable Domain Structures of Ferromagnetic Microstructures Observed by Soft X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism Microscopy
- Galvanomagnetic Effect of Submicron Exchange-Coupled Co/Ni Wire
- 25aK-12 光による縦型二重ドットの閉じ込めポテンシャル変調
- Potential Modulation of Semiconductor Dot Array System due to Photoexcitation
- Electron-Beam-Induced Oxidation for Single-Electron Devices
- Investigation of Photoresponse in Photoconducting Semiconductor-Superconductor Microstructure
- Transport Properties and Fabrication of Coupled Electron Waveguides
- Evaluation of Edge Channel Width by Frequency Dependence of Capacitance Minima in Quantum Hall Regime
- Magnetic Electron Focusing Effect in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure with Gate-Controlled Byway Channel
- Magnetotransport in Hexagonal and Rectangular Antidot Lattices
- Grain Boundary Structure and Bandtail Transport in High Mobility Poly-Si TFTs
- Investigation of In Situ Process for GaAs/AlGaAs Buried Quantum Wires
- Fabrication and Magnetotransport of One-Dimensional Lateral Surface Superlattice Fabricated by Low-Energy Ion Irradiation
- Magnetotransport in One-Dimensional Lateral Surface Superlattice Fabricated by Low-Energy Argon Ion Irradiation
- Variable-Range Hopping in Polycrystalline Silicon Thin-Film Transistor
- Electrical Conductions of High Mobility Poly-Si Thin Film Transistors at Low Temperatures
- Estimation of Damage Induced by Focused Ga Ion Beam Irradiation
- Galvanomagnetic Effect of Submicron Exchange-Coupled Co/Ni Wire
- Magnetization Process and Resistance Jumps in a Submicron-Scale Cross-Shaped Wire
- Focused Ion Beam Process for Formation of a Metal/Insulator/Metal Double Tunnel Junction
- Exchange Interaction from Current and Voltage Probes in Galvanomagnetic Effect in Polycrystal Co Thin Film
- Focused Ion Beam Process for Formation of a Metal/Insulator/Metal Double Tunnel Junction
- Exchange Interaction from Current and Voltage Probes in Galvanomagnetic Effect in Poly-Crystal Co Thin Film
- Focused Ion Beam Etching of Resist/Ni Multilayer Films and Applications to Metal Island Structure formation
- Characterization of Directly Deposited Silicon Films Using Low-Energy Focused Ion Beam
- Characterization of Directly Deposited Silicon Films Using Low-Energy Focused Ion Beam
- Low Energy Focused Ion Beam System Combined with Molecular Beam Epitaxy System for Fabrication of 3-Dimensional Buried Semiconductor Structures
- Maskless Deposition of Au on GaAs by Low-Energy Focused Ion Beam
- Low-Energy Focused Ion Beam System and Direct Deposition of Au and Si
- Maskless Deposition of Au on GaAs by Low-Energy Focused Ion Beam
- Quantum Transport in PtSi Thin Films and Narrow Wires
- Structural Changes at Glass-Transition in Ge_xSe_ Studied by Raman Scattering
- Confinement Potential in an Asymmetrically Biased Quantum Point Contact