Multilocus Sequence Typing and DNA Similarity Analysis Implicate Borrelia valaisiana-Related sp. Isolated in Japan Is Distinguishable from European B. valaisiana
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Lyme disease Borrelia spp. are transmitted by Ixodes ticks, and more than 10 species of borreliae have been identified around the world. Recently another Borrelia sp. has been reported in Asia (Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and Thailand) as Borrelia valaisiana-related sp. In the present study, we obtained and genetically characterized 19 B. valaisiana-related sp. strains from mammals and ticks. Genetic analyses showed that the Borrelia strains were distinct from B. valaisiana found in Europe. Multilocus sequencing typing revealed that these Borrelia isolates formed a monophyletic group with B. yangtze strains in China. Some of strains were isolated from the bladders of small mammals, and also two strains were experimentally confirmed to be infectious to C3H/HeN mice. We observed that the Borrelia sp. was maintained in Ixodes granulatus tick after molting. These results suggested that small mammals and I. granulatus were possible reservoir hosts and vector tick for the Borrelia sp., respectively. B. valaisiana, originally found in Europe, was transmitted mainly by I. ricinus, and birds were mainly thought to be reservoir hosts. Our results suggested Japanese isolates of B. yangtze (formerly B. valaisiana-related sp.) were distinguishable from B. valaisiana according to the reservoir host and its vector tick. In this study, we also deposited borrelia strain Okinawa-CW62 to bioresource centers as a reference strain of the B. yangtze (=DSM 24625, JCM 17189).
HONDA Toshiro
Kagoshima Prefectural Center for Environmental Research and Public Health
Yano Yasuhiro
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Fukui Medical School
Fukui Prefectural Institute of Public Health
Takada Nobuhiro
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Fukui Medical University
Kawabata Hiroki
Department Of Bacteriology National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Ohnishi Makoto
Department Of Applied Science Faculty Of Science Okayama University Of Science
Takano Ai
Department Of Bacteriology National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Nitta Yoshiki
Okinawa Prefectural Inst. Of Animal Health Okinawa Jpn
Kadosaka Teruki
Department Of Parasitology Aichi Medical University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Hideyuki
Department Of Bacteriology National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Ando Shuji
Department Of Information Sciences Faculty Of Science And Technology Tokyo University Of Science
Andoh Masako
Department of Applied Veterinary Sciences, United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences
School of Pharmacy, Aichi Gakuen University, Aichi 464–8650, Japan
Department of Bacteriology-I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
SATO Kozue
Department of Bacteriology-I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Toyama, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
MASUZAWA Toshiyuki
Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiba Institute of Science, Choshi, Chiba 288–0025, Japan
Mahara Institute of Medical Acarology, Tokushima 779–1510, Japan
Kagoshima Prefectural Institute of Environmental Research and Public Health, Kagoshima 892–0853, Japan
School of Pharmacy, Aichi Gakuen University, Aichi 464–8650, Japan
TAKADA Nobuhiro
Department of Pathological Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, Fukui 910–1193, Japan
MASUZAWA Toshiyuki
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba Institute of Science, Chiba 288–0025, Japan
Department of Bacteriology-I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
Department of Bacteriology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
Fukui Prefectural Institute of Health and Environmental Science, Fukui 910–8551, Japan
Mahara Institute of Medical Acarology, Anan 779-1510, Japan
SATO Kozue
Department of Bacteriology-I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
ANDOH Masako
Department of Virology I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
Department of Bacteriology-I, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo 162–8640, Japan
Department of Infection and Immunity, Aichi Medical University, Aichi 480–1195, Japan
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