Clinical Significance of SOD Activity in Serum and Urine
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In this study, we investigated the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in serum of normal human subject and the relation between renal disease and SOD activity, Normal range of the total SOD activity was 1.94±0.90U/ml (mean±2SD) in male (n=105) and 1.63±0.66U/ml in female (n=54), Mn-SOD activity was 0.83±0.42U/ml in male (n=105) and 0.99±0.26U/ml in female (n=54), There were significant difference between male and female.<BR>The correlation between creatinine and Cu, Zu-SOD showed a good correlation (r=0.601), However, Mn-SOD was poorly correlated (r=0.396), A patients with renal insufficiency had markedly high Cu. Zn-SOD activity and creatinine concentration, After renal transplantation, Cu, Zn-SOD activity decreased parallel with the decrease of creatinine concentration.<BR>The urinary protein showed a positive correlation with urnary Cu, Zn-SOD (r=0.569) and negative correlation with urinary Mn-SOD (r=-0.553).
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
石黒 伊三雄
宍野 宏治
愛媛大学医学部附属病院 検査部
武内 望
村瀬 光春
愛媛大学医学部小児科 愛媛大学医学部附属病院中央検査室
徳永 賢治
篠原 力雄
村瀬 光春
篠原 力雄
石黒 伊三雄
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