Evaluation of the Previously Reported Method and Automated Method for the Determination of Methylguanidine and Guanidinosuccinic Acid
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We studied the advantage and reliability of the previously reported method and newly developed automated method for the determination of Methylguanidine (MG) and Guanidinosuccinic acid (GSA) which are prime candidates for uremic toxin.<BR>The same samples obtained from hemodialized patients were analyzed for MG and GSA concentration by the previouly rerorted method and/or automated method in 13 institutes similtaneously, and the results were compared. In order to evaluate the column chromatographic performance of the both method, MG and GSA fraction of uremic serum which waseluted by the previously reported method first was then aplied to elute by automatic guanidine analyzer, respectively.<BR>The previouly reported method using fluorometry was sensitive, easy, economical and yielded good results on the isolation of MG and GSA from uremic serum, so it was considered that this method was suitable for rutine use in clinical practice. On the other hand, the results of MG and GSA determination by automated method showed significant difference among each institute especially in plasma concentration. However this method requires only small amount of sample and is useful in similtaneuos determination of several other guanidino compounds, so it should be hoped that this method will be made improvement and developed furthermore.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
宮原 正
中尾 俊之
藤原 誠治
宮原 正
磯田 和雄
木村 吉男
中尾 俊之
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