Studies on Serum Alpha-lipoprotein in Hyperlipidemia
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Significant decrease of α-lipoprotein concentration was noted in subjects with hyperlipidemia of type IV of WHO classification compared with those in controls and in hyperlipidemia of type Ha and type llb. Ratio between concentrations of phospholipid and total cholesterol in α-lipoprotein fraction separated by centrifugation of the mixture of serum and heparin-CaCl<SUB>2</SUB> solution, was higher in subjects with hyperlipidemia of type IV than those in controls and in the other type hyperlipidemic subjects. Decrease of lecithin and increase of lyso lecithin were also noted in the phospholipid fraction of sera from subjects with hyperlipidemia of type IV compared with those in controls and in the other type hyperlipidemias.<BR>These differences in the lipid constituents, however, were unable to see in HDL<SUB>2, 3</SUB> fraction of sera from controls and hyperlipidemic subjects. Therefore, it is suspected that the discrepancies of these results might be due to the absence of very high density lipoprotein (d>1, 201) in HDL<SUB>2, 3</SUB>. There found no differences on the electrophoretical patterns of apo-protein in HDL<SUB>2, 3</SUB> between controls and the hyperlipidemic subjects.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
滝川 義昭
佐藤 保則
札幌慈啓会 慈啓会病院 内科
和田 武雄
和田 武雄
千賀 孝治
山田 弘仁
札幌慈啓会病院 北海道老年医学研究振興会
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- Studies on Serum Alpha-lipoprotein in Hyperlipidemia