Detection of Cascading in Drift Wave Turbulence Using Probe Array in Linear Plasmas
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Measurement of drift wave turbulence using multi-probe systems was performed in the Large Mirror Device-Upgrade linear plasma. We compared a drift wave's two-dimensional (poloidal wave number and frequency) power spectrum with its calculated linear dispersion relation. As a result, a few wave modes that satisfy the linear dispersion relation were observed. Moreover, cascades to non-mode peaks and broadband components that do not satisfy the dispersion relation were identified.
- 社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
Nagashima Yoshihiko
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Fujisawa Akihide
National Institute For Fusion Science
Shinohara Shunjiro
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Science Kyushu University
KASUYA Naohiro
National Institute for Fusion Science
Itoh Sanae
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Inagaki Shigeru
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Yagi Masatoshi
Research Instittue For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Itoh Kimitaka
National Inst. For Fusion Sci. Gifu
Kawai Yoshinobu
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Terasaka Kenichiro
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Science Kyushu University
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
MARUTA Takashi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
FUKAO Masayuki
Myojocho, Uji
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