- 論文の詳細を見る
The so-called Metropathia haemorrhagica characterized by the excessive secretion of estrogen without ovulation is one of the most significant endocrinological disturbances in the gynecological field.<BR>The author has made, besides the clinical observation in detail, the systemic estimation of gonadotropin in urine of the patients in order to investigate the gonadotropin secretory function of the anterior pituitary.<BR>The data were studied comparing with those obtained from the normal non-pregnant women of corresponding ages.<BR>The gonadotropin content in urine was very low by the adolescent normal women, and increased pararelly with the age, and the gonadotropin excretion in urine showed, throughout the sexually matured period, the marked increase at the ovulatory period and made one of the evident peaks, but there were no differences between the follicle-, and corpus luteum phase.<BR>In the patients of Metropathia haemorrhagica the author found the excessive gonadotropin excretion in urine before the beginning of bleeding and this exceeded that of normal matured woman at the ovulatory period.<BR>Moreover this high content of gonadotropin in urine was chiefly due to the increase of GA, and GB was rather low. This data suggests the disturbances of balances between FSH and LH secretion of anterior pituitary before the beginning of bleeding. Both fractions of gonadotropin in urine decreased as the bleeding began.<BR>The findings above suggest that the bleeding of Metropathia haemorrhagica is caused by the ovulatory disturbances due to the unbalances between FSH and LH secretion.<BR>Then author attempted to normalize the sexual cycle by adjusting the unbalances of gonadotropin secretion by means of administration of large dosis of PMSG with strong FSH activity, and of HCG with LH activity. As the result, in many cases the ovulatory cycle was brought about, as the author has anticipated.<BR>Moreover, no irregular bleeding was observed in the successful cases for a long period.<BR>The gonadotropin secretory function was then examined by the administration of various sex steroids.<BR>After the administration of estrogen the gonadotropin, especially GB, was found to increase in urine. This suggests that the estrogen meets anyhow the therapeutic purposes to adjust the un-balance of GA and GB, and to normalize the ovulatory sexual cycle.<BR>The administration of either progesterone or androgen gave no desirable results, as either of them inhibited the gonadotropin secretion only temporalily.<BR>The histochemical studies on the hypophysis of rats in persistent estrus gave the findings that suggested the ovulatory disturbances and acceleration of FSH secretion, and showed us that it could be collated to the Metropathia haemorrhagica. The administration of these three steroids on the rats in persistent estrus was found to inhibit the FSH secretion once accelerated.<BR>From the fact mentioned above the author reached to the conclusion that the Metropathia haemorrhagica was caused by the ovulatory disturbances due to the unbalance of FSH and LH secretion, and proved that simultaneous administration of large dosis of PMSG and HCG was therapeutically excellent for the adjustment of the balances of FSH and LH for the establishment of normal ovulatory cycle.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
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- 69. 卵胞におけるFSHのprimary action siteに関する研究
- 122.胎盤絨毛におけるゴナドトロピンの調節機構 : 第32群妊娠分娩産褥・胎盤I
- 67.ヒト羊膜中phospholipase C活性に対するpolyaminesの影響 : 第11群 妊娠・分娩・産褥 II (63〜68)
- 51.家兎卵胞壁血管の超微形態学的検討 : インドメサシン投与の効果 : 第9群 不妊と避妊 (51〜57)
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- 60.糖尿病合併妊娠における胎児肺成熟に関する研究 : 羊水中phosphatidylglycerolの定量 : 第11群 胎児・新生児 I (60〜66)
- 47.家兎卵巣中の排卵酵素活性を介するPGF_の排卵効果 : 第9群 ***の生理・病理 IV (47〜53)
- 11.排卵過程におけるrat卵巣内plasminogen activatorの変動 : prostagladinとの関連について : 第2群 内分泌-基礎 II (7〜12)
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- FIGOの頁
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- 82. hCG subunitsの血中動態と絨毛組織内産生に関する研究
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- 91.0ntogenesis の過程におけるGH-PRL-PL superfamilyの肝レセプター : 第24群妊娠分娩産褥・基礎II
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- 145. growth hormon-prolactin superfamilyと妊娠個体の肝レセプター
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- 63. Radioligand receptor assay (RLA)によるヒト下垂体性LHおよび血中LHの測定とその意義
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- 101. 大分子hCGの培養絨毛内生成とcell-free系でのhCG-subunits生成の比較,検討 : 第22群 内分泌・末梢IV
- 128. TrophoblastにおけるhCG産生と分泌の機構
- 65. 妊娠における成長ホルモンプロラクチンの分泌予備能の検討
- Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate投与後の子宮組織内エストロゲン濃度とコラゲナーゼ活性
- 70. 培養顆粒膜細胞におけるhCGとhCFSHの結合態度について
- 128.ヒト胎盤のインスリンレセプター,グリコーゲン合成酵素と解糖酵素系 : 第34群妊娠分娩産褥・胎盤III
- Ontogenesisの過程におけるラット肝のラクトーゲン結合因子に関する研究
- Recent Progress in Gynecologic Oncology : Per Kolstad : Norwegian Radium Hospital,Norway
- Comparative Aspects of Fetal Differentiation : Alfred Jost : College de France, France
- ご挨拶
- トロホブラスト由来ホルモンに関する最近の知見
- 159. 妊娠時の糖代謝と膵の機能
- 肝細胞膜分画とヒト胎盤ラクトーゲンの結合に関する研究
- 93. 絨毛性ゴナドトロピン (hCG) とそのSubunitsのin vitro Biosynthesisに関する研究 (第8群 妊娠・分娩・産褥 (86〜117))
- 第9回国際産科婦人科連合世界大会組織委員会報告 (I)
- 胎盤の内分泌 : 胎盤を接点とした母児内分泌機能について
- 連続照明下に於ける持続発情と下垂体前葉-卵巣系
- 婦人科領域に於けるEstriolの応用:(第2報) Estriol投与が尿中諸種ホルモン排泄量並びに膣脂膏に及ぼす影響
- 所謂出血性メトロパチーに於ける下垂体前葉のGonadotropin分泌機能に関する研究