- 論文の詳細を見る
The clinical and pathological features of cardiac rupture following myocardial infarction were studied in 22 cases found amoung 84 cases of acute myocardial infarction with an incidence of 26.2 %. Of the 22 cases, 13 were male and 9 were female.<BR>The age range was 39 to 87 years of age, with an average of 69.5 years. In all cases, clinical course lasted less than 8 days, especially in 10 cases in which rupture began within the first 24 hours.<BR>Clinial factors that predispose to rupture are though to be, old age, history of hypertension without ischemic heart disease, persistent chest pain, lack of rest and cardiac failure after myocardial infarction.<BR>Electrocardiograms were recorded in 11 cases at the time of rupture. Sinus bradycardia was observed in 4 cases and junctional rhythm in 3 cases. Pathologically, comparing patients who died with rupture, to those without rupture, these were no statistically significant differences between the who groups, with regard to age, sex and heart weight.<BR>The rupture group had a higher incidence of no previous myocardial infarction, coronary thrombosis, single vessel disease and lower left ventricular wall thickness ratios caused by localized expansion. All were transmural infarctions.<BR>In 21 cases, cardiac tamponade occurred and in another pericardial hematoma. In 12 cases, the site of rupture of the left ventricle was at anterior wall, in 7 cases, the lateral wall, and in 2 the site was at the posterior wall.<BR>Three cases out of 10, in which rupture occurred during the first 24 hours, had small infarction, but after 24 hours, rupture tended to accompany extensive infarction. Development of the collateral circulation, measured roentgenologically, was by no means poor.<BR>The rupture was situated in the area of maximal mycardial destruction caused by myocardial necrosis, intramural hemorrage and leukocytic infiltration.<BR>Some hemorrhaging into the infarcted region might orginate from collateral circulation.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
井上 紳
滝本 雅文
梶山 浩
篠原 文雄
小島 喜久子
井上 紳
吉田 文英
飛田 明
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