Preschool integrated education for hearing impaired children.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Thirty-five children with moderately severe and severe hearing impairment wersurveyed to assess their adaptability to kindertens. The subjects had previously received the speech training at our department. Speech training increased their ability to communicate with other children and gave them a positiveattitude. Three points were found to be necessary to achieve good results in preschool integrated education: 1)sufficient recognition by teachers of childrens' handicaps, 2) close communication among teachers, parents, speech therapists and doctors, 3)childrens' positive attitude towards adaptation as well as the achievements of the language ability. However, difficulties were found in integrated education; these involved problems in communicating and associating with normal children.These difficalties were mainly affected by the subjects' age and hearing level.
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- タイトル無し
- Emotional Effects of Otitis Media with Effusion.
- 中 高度聴覚障害児の音声障害と幼児期の指導との関係
- Preschool integrated education for hearing impaired children.