A follow-up study of hearing-impaired children who participated in our home training program - In special reference to the development of comprehension of speech in school-age.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A follow-up study was made to evaluate present language ability of the hearing-impaired children of school-age who had initially participated in our home training program. We studied their audiovisual comprehension of spoken words, sentences, and a short story through a video-tape recorder. We devided the hearing-impaired group into a moderately and a severely hearing-impaired group and compared the score between these two groups. We also compared the score of the hearing-impaired group with that of the control group. The study results were as follows<BR>1. In both group of the hearing-impaired, the higher the reading age scored at the standardized reading test was, the better the score of comprehension of spoken words, sentences, and a short story was.<BR>2. The score obtained by the moderately hearing-impaired group was better than that by the severely hearing-impaired group, when the reading age was equal for both groups.<BR>3. In the test of comprehension of a short story, hearing-impaired group could get equal score with the control group when their reading age was higher than that of the control group by 1-3 years.
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