- 論文の詳細を見る
The noises which adults and pupils encounter in daily lives were investigated from the viewpoint of selecting hearing aids with the best electroacoustic performance.The sound levels and one-third octave band spectra of the surrounding noises, such as the noises from traffic, parks, offices, department stores, indoors, and classrooms and playgrounds of schools, were measured.The equivalent sound levels (Leq) of the noises were more than 70dB (A). The fast A-weighted sound level exceeded 50% of the time (L50) at playgrounds and those at the vestibules of schools were even more than 75dB (A). By A-weighting, the predominant frequency regions of the interior traffic facilities were bands at low frequencies. The peak center frequencies of the outdoor noises were bands at middle frequency regions from 630Hz to 1000Hz. Some of the predominant noise in offices and indoors showed bands at high frequency regions.In selecting hearing aids for those with sensorineural hearing loss, the results of this survey should be useful.
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