- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of fibrin glue on experimental incision in rat's skin were studied and compared histopathologically with those of cyanoacrylate glue (Aron-alpha®), suture with silk thread, and suture with silk thread after silicone implantation.Wounds treated with the fibrin glue showed complete adhesion and absorption 7 days after treatment. Inflammation was milder in the wounds treated with fibrin glue than in those treated with Aron-alpha® or silicone. Tissue repair after treatment with the fibrin glue was comparable to that in the wounds sutured with a silk thread.These findings indicated that the fibrin glue is tissue compatible and assimilated by the tissue. The foreign body reaction after its application is considered to be minimal. Therefore, fibrin glue was thought to be widely applicable in the clinical field.
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- タイトル無し
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