Clinical observation for sudden deafness. Treatment with stellate ganglion block.:-Treatment with Stellate Ganglion Block-
- 論文の詳細を見る
121 patients (124 ears) of sudden deafness in last 6 years are presented.63 patients were given medical treatment (Group SGB-) and 58 patients were treated with stellate ganglion block and drugs (Group SGB+).83.9% of all the cases showed more than 10-dB average pure tone gain, and the difference between the two groups is not significant.More significantly, in the cases of high hearing loss more than 61dB 89.5% in Group SGB+ showed over 10dB improvement, compared to 75.9% in Group SGB-, and in the cases of high hearing loss with vestibular signs 82.4% in Group SGB+ revealed over 10dB impairement, compared to 40% in Group SGB-.The results are also observed in relation to the factors associated with prognosis of sudden deafness.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
石塚 洋一
並木 いつみ
河西 研一
木村 元俊
鰐渕 伸子
守安 信明
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