Clnical Application of "Cytochrome C" in Cases of Cranial Post-Traumatic Disorders and Sudden Deafness:(The case of nystagmus alternans after cranial injuries)
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Treatment of vascular disorder with cytochrome C has been reported in the fields of neurosurgery and internal medicine. But it is unknown wheather the drug might be effective to otological disease with deafness and/or vestibular symptom.The authors would describe three cases, to which intravenous injections of cytochrome C were effective. The first one was sudden deafness, the second one progressive deafness and the last one head injury.Definite improvement of hearing was achieved in all cases after injections. The case of head injury had both atypical alternating spontaneous nystagmus and unilateral optokinetic nystagmus inversion. But both symptoms have disappeared by injections. The cause of improvement of the symptoms is still unknown.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
水越 鉄理
和田 斐夫
水越 鉄理
中村 達夫
高橋 博子
- 第34回 日本平衡神経科学会
- 1.中耳および内耳疾患における側頭骨の形態学的検討/2.末梢平衡感覚器における抗生物質障害の実験的研究/3.Stria vascularisとPlanum semilunatum の比較検討/4.筋弛緩剤による前庭性外直筋活動の機構/5.反復誘発筋電図からみた家兎一側迷路破壊後の筋緊張について/6. 迷路と視器の干渉について/7.カエル摘出半規管受容器のAdaptationについて/カエル球形嚢神経および外半規管膨大部神経の動作流に関する知見/9.頭位変化と眼球偏
- 第33回 日本平衡神経科学会秋季学会
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