Antioxidative activities of extract from Hoji-cha.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Samples were extracted from hoji-cha (roasted tea) with acetone (Fraction B) and followed by heat water (Fraction A), and it was determined by reducing power, aminosugar, pH, color and antioxidative activity. On the other hand, biscuit during storage were measured with POV.<BR>The results obtained were as follows;<BR>1) Fraction B and A was extracted with 6g or 4g from hoji-cha of 100g by acetone or heat water.<BR>2) The strong antioxidative activities was observed with Fraction A, on the other hand, antioxidative activities in during storage biscuit was showed with Fraction A, and accelerate of oxidation was showed with Fraction B.<BR>3) Fraction A were showed with strong reducing power, and it was brown color.
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