Part 1. Modeling Changes of Gas Partial Pressures in the Film Pouches under Unsteady Conditions. Modified Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vagetables: Gas Permeability and Keeping Quality.:Part 1. Modeling Changes of Gas Partial Pressures in the Film Pouc
- 論文の詳細を見る
The goal of this study was to develop a model which could be used in determining the gas permeability coefficient of polymeric film and simulating by computer the gas partial pressure of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen change in a pouch. The gas permeability coefficient calculated by this method agreed well with the values reported in the literature. There is an excellent agreement of gas partial pressures in the pouch and the volume of the pouch between values simulated by the calculation and those determined experimentally. The model is useful for predicting the gas partial pressures in a pouch with a changing volume over time under unsteady conditions.
- 日本食品保蔵科学会の論文
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- Part 1. Modeling Changes of Gas Partial Pressures in the Film Pouches under Unsteady Conditions. Modified Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vagetables: Gas Permeability and Keeping Quality.:Part 1. Modeling Changes of Gas Partial Pressures in the Film Pouc
- Part3. Comparison between Published Method and New One for Respiration Rate of Fruits and Vegetables in MAP. Modified Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables; Gas Permeability and Keeping Quality.:Part3. Comparison between Published Method and New One