Support System Using Oral Communication and Simulator For Marine Engine Operation.
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A new concept of a support system for marine engine system operation using oral communication and simulator techniques based on the chief engineer's knowledge and his experiments has been studied. In the near future, a deck officer who is inexperience it will operate the marine engine system. The emergency and ordinary start-stop conditions of the engine system easily make the crew operate incorrectly which leads the engine system failure status because of complicated procedures for an inexperienced one. Commonly intellectual automatic control system is introduced to cope with this situation, though it can only operate the engine system for a load change and indicate the troubling parts of the engine system. We have proposed and been developing the Chief engineer system (CE-SYS) which instructs the crew about the preferable operation in each step of the engine conditions. These instructions are made by the CE-SYS, which acts as the chief engineer's behavior using the engine system status simulator and the database of the chief engineer's knowledge.<BR>The CE-SYS has some features and merits as follows;<BR>(1) The oral communication and the graphics display techniques are adopted to communicate between the crew and the CE-SYS.<BR>(2) The crew receives proper instructions of the engine system operation from the CE-SYS.<BR>(3) The CE-SYS understands by setting a condition on the engine system status simulator same as the engine system current condition.<BR>(4) The crew studies the proper procedures from orders made by the CE-SYS.<BR>One of the purposes of the CE-SYS is to train the crew up to expert engineers.<BR>It is quite different from the purpose of the ordinary automatic system, which is to operate or to control directory the engine system without the crews operation.
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- Support System Using Oral Communication and Simulator For Marine Engine Operation.