校内 LAN 時代における PC 資産の活用
- 論文の詳細を見る
At present, the use of the Internet spreads over the society rapidly. In our college, the project of Campus LAN is progressing now. To make the introduction of LAN succeed, it is necessary to provide a terminal for all staff and to build the environment that all the members can connect to the network, read E-mail, E-news, etc. Therefore, we consider about the way of reusing the old personal computer (DOS PC) which is replaced in the computer center as the Character terminal. Also, we examine about the building of the network terminal by personal computer (Windows PC, Mac). As a result, we found that it is possible to make a terminal at a very low price.
- 弓削商船高等専門学校の論文
- 1996-02-28
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