- 論文の詳細を見る
The hull of pleasure-boat and the surface of sea cultivating net are fouled by the attachment of many sea water organisms. For the prevention of these foulings, antifouling paints or antifoulants containing noxious compounds such as organic tin and/or cuprous oxide are coated.<BR>Recently, the dissolving out of these noxious compounds into a sea water has caused the marine pollution in the enclosed coastal seas.<BR>Then, our coating-experiments are carried out by using a nontoxic paint which is made of special silicone resin and is in no fear of polluting sea environment.<BR>The results obtained from two years experiments applying this new typed paint to a pleasure-boat and a cultivating net, are as follows : (1) The amount of fouling of the coated boat is 75-90% less than that of the uncoated boat. (2) The amount of fouling of the coated net is below half of that of the uncoated net. (3) The attaching organisms on the coated net are easily removed by water-jet washing at the pressure as low as 50 kgf/cm<SUP>2</SUP>. (4) The physical properties of the paint and the dynamical action of waves on it have remarkable effects on the prevention of the attachment of organisms, and further, the influences of the sunshine and the type or the colour of undercoating paints cannot be neglected.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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