- 論文の詳細を見る
The concentration of plasma amino acids responses to changes of dietary amino acids so sensitively that it is used as a useful criterion to estimate the amino acid requirements or the nutritional status of animals. However, it is affected by many factors other than dietary factors. Thus, in order to use the concentration of plasma amino acid as a criterion, it is necessary to make clear some effects of factors affecting the concentration of plasma amino acids. In the present study, the relationship between body weight, feed intake or oviposition and the concentrations of various amino acids in the plasma were investigated. The results were summarized as follows; 1) The heavy hens laid more egg and consumed more diet than light ones. However, there was no correlation between the body weight and the concentration of plasma amino acids. 2) There was no significant relationship between the feed intake and the concentration of plasma amino acids in the hens laid for successive 3 days. 3) The concentrations of plasma amino acids, except serine, tended to be equal or high in the hens not laid compared with that of hens laid on that day, but not significantly except valine. 4) The concentrations of 8 out of 14 amino acids in the plasma showed the lowest value in the hens laid for successive 3 days and 10 out of 14 amino acids showed the highest value in the hens not laid before sampling day. 5) As a result, it was suggested that egg production affected the concentrations of various amino acids in the plasma and it was necessary to take a blood sample of laying hen with same record of egg production for use of the concentration of plasma amino acid as a criterion for determination of amino acid requirement.
- 社団法人 日本畜産学会の論文
石橋 晃
岡崎 幸則
深沢 晃
渡辺 恵美子
戸塚 耕二
豊水 正昭
深沢 晃
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