- 論文の詳細を見る
The reason why the fish flesh gel (kamaboko) is hardened by prheating the fish flesh sol (surimi) at relatively low temperature (setting, suwari), was studied. The compression elastic modulus of the actomyosin (AM) gel, which was prepared from AM sol by heating at 80°C for 20min after preheating at 40°C for 60min, was higher than that of the gel prepard without preheating. The instantaneous shear moduli of AM gels, one prepared by heating AM sol at 40°C for 60min and the other prepared by further heating the first at 80°C for 20min, were almost the same at the respective heating temperatures, but they were higher than that of the gel prepared by heating the sol only at 80°C for 20min. The shear moduli of both gels prepared at 80°C were increased when the gels were cooled to 0°C, but the increase was remarkable for the gel from the preheated AM sol. Based on these results, the effect of setting on the network structure of protein in the fish flesh gel is discussed. With the progress of the setting, the proteins form a finely dispersed net-work structure without much liberation of water. This finely dispersed structure is kept even after heating the set gel to shape the fish flesh gel, and such a structure is conjectured to be essential for the elasticity of the fish flesh gel.
- 日本水産學會の論文
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