- 論文の詳細を見る
Protein quality of three kinds of brown meals (Kushiro, Choshi, Peru) was compared with that of white fish meal and casein by determining protein digestibility, PER, and NPU in rainbow trout. The brown meals used contained 60-66% crude protein ( 54-60% true protein). The lipid content ranged from 8.2 to 11.3%, being almost the same as ordinary white fish meal. The content of ω3 fatty acids was highest in Peru meal and lowest in Choshi meal. Relatively high values, ranging from 84 to 95%, for apparent digestibility of brown fish meals were found in rainbbow trout; there being little difference in digestibility among brown meals, that of Peru meal was almost the same as that of white fish meal. The digestibility of Kushiro meal was very high, almost comparable to that of casein which was almost completely digested. There was no marked difference in growth and feed efficiency in the fish fed on diets containing different brown meals as a protein source. The values for PER and NPU obtianed with brown meals were all found to be high, being almost the same as those of white fish meal and those obtained with Kushiro meal were comparable to those of casein. These results have demonstrated that brown meals have a good food value, not only as a protein source but also as a source of essential fatty acids.
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