- 論文の詳細を見る
The nutritve value of hen's egg-proteins, muscle-proteins of rainbow trout and common squid (Todarodes pacificus), and casein was determined by the feeding trials of rainbow trout with the diets containing these proteins at a 30% level. The valus for PER and NPU of the egg-yolk protein, whole egg protin, egg albumin, and the muscle proteins were all equally high, whereas those of casein were somewhat lower. Hen's egg proteins were found to have the highest nutritive value not only for higher animals but also for this fish species. The essential amino acid comtents (%) of the proteins having high values of PER and NPU were; leucine, 8.1-10.1; isoleucine, 5.5-6.2; valine, 5.0-7.3; threonine, 1.2-1.5; arginine, 5.8-8.2; histidine, 2.7-3.2; and lysine, 6.3-10.0, respectively. Casein contained less amounts of sulfur-amino acids and arginine.
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