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Interfacial equilibria among various liquid-crystalline structures of lipid and lipid mixtures are reviewed and the physiological relevance of the equillibria is discussed. Phospholipid-neutrallipid mixtures form various liquidcrystalline structures, including bilayers, micelles, emulsions, reverse hexagonal and reverse cubic structures. Neutral lipids, such as triglycerides, cholesterylesters and ubiquinone-10 have very limited solubilities in bilayers of phosphatidylcholine (PC). Excess amount of neutral lipid is separated from the bilayers and forms the droplets in an aqueous medium. The droplets are covered by the PC monolayers spread from the bilayers, and are stabilized as emulsion particles. Lipoproteins, chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins, in animal plasma are such particles containing a very small amount of several different apoproteins. The lipid composition of emulsions influences the affinity to apoproteins in plasma, and controls the catabolism of the particles <I>in vivo</I>. <BR>Some other neutral lipids, such as diglycerides, monoglycerides, α-tocopherol and menaquinone-4 have large solubilities in the PC bilayers. Addition of such a neutral lipid to the bilayers occasionally induces formation of irregular structures (intrabilayer-particles or-micelles) and vesiculation of the bilayers. The intrabilayer-structures are considered to be precursors for reverse hexagonal and re-verse cubic structures. Diglycerides and α-tocopherol in the PC bilayers activate phospholipases A<SUB>2</SUB>, C and D.
- 日本膜学会の論文
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