結核患者の家族検診 (第5報) : 持続排菌例の家族よりの患者発生に関する検討
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According to our previous four years follow-up study of favourable response to family contacts of newly registered cases showing good course treatment, 90% of new patients were found during the time of the first two years after the detection of index cases. It was therefore concluded that the family contacts examination should be carried out in the first two years after the discovery of index cases, and further examination would be less necessary.<BR>The survey in this report was made to know whether different patterns in the outbreak of new patients are found or not in the family contacts of cases showing positive bacilli for longer than two years after the registration (so called chronics) and how the family contacts examination should be done for such chronics.<BR>Study subjects were 340 family members of 106 chronics registered as of 1930 at 12 health centers in Osaka Prefecture. At this time 180 (52.4%) out of 340 were examined and one new patient was found. In addition, one another case was found by symptomatic visit to clinic. Adding these two cases to 43 who had had previous history of treatment, altogether 45 cases were found in family con tacts, and 34 (75.6%) out of 45 were discovered during the first four years after the discovery of index cases, and 30 out of 34 were infants or school children. Four out of 19 infants and school children who were born after the index cases became chronics had been diagnosed as primary infection or re quiring treatment before they reach five years of age.<BR>The high incidence rate of new patients was similarly observed in the initial two years both in family contacts of cases showing favourable response to treatment and of chronics. But in the latter cases, the rate was two times higher than the former and did not decrease so markedly until the fourth year.<BR>It can be concluded that, in contrast to cases showing favourable response to treatment, the con tacts examination of chronics should thoroughly be carried out for the first three to four years after the discovery of index cases, especially for infants and school children. The same careful consider ation should be given to infants who are born after the index cases became chronics.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
亀田 和彦
亀田 和彦
久池井 暢
大塚 順子
矢野 周子
堀井 富士子
中原 歌子
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