- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined 140 patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis complicated with diabetes mellitus who were admitted during the period from 1977 to 1980. Out of these 140 cases, 88 culture positive cases with pretreatment drug sensitive strains were picked up and were compared with 87 control tuberculous patients without complicating diabetes. All of them were treated with SHR (or EHR) regimen.<BR>1. Monthly culture results.<BR>Regardless with presence or absence of diabetes and good or poor control, sputum culture converted to negative with similar speed. In all cases, culture converted to negative within 4 months after starting chemotherapy.<BR>2. Evaluation of radiographic findings and their course by Gakken standard.<BR>Kc (fresh multilocular) and Kd (tuberculem) type cavities were more frequently found in diabetic patients. But, good radiographic response to chemotherapy was obtained in both groups.<BR>3. Follow up study after cessation of chemotherapy.<BR>61 patients out of 88 diabetics were followed up for more than six months after the completion of chemotherapy. Nine out of 61 diabetics (14.8%) showed radiographic worsening and the rate was significantly higher than that of the patients without diabetes (1 out of 54 or 1.9%). However, only two (3.3%) of the diabetic patients relapsed bacteriologically. None relapsed bacteriologically in the control, but the difference in the relapse rate between these two groups was statistically not significant.<BR>From our results, 9-12 months chemotherapy appears to be satisfactory even for pulmonary tuberculosis patients complicated diabetes.
- 新時代の結核研究と対策について-1999年 日本結核病学会予防委員会報告
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- RCU (呼吸困難)
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- 結核患者の家族検診 (第 4 報) : 患者登録後4年目の調査
- 結核患者の家族検診 (続報)
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- The 63 rd Annual Meeting Symposium