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15 minor oral operations were performed in 12 patients under hemodialysis in Hemodialysis Center of Matsuc Seikyo Hospital, and obtained the following findings:<BR>1) The rate of postoperative hemorrhage was lower in patients treated on the day after hemodialysis than those treated on the day of or before operation.<BR>2) The rate of postoperative hemorrhage was remarkably low in patients treated on the day after hemodialysis with additional local hemostatic procedure as compared to other cases.<BR>3) Cephalexin (1/2 of usual dose as base) and erythromycin (usual dose as base) were used as antibiotics for preventing or treating postoperative infections (e.g. abscess) without any serious adverse reactions.<BR>4) Both rabbit and sheep hemagglutinin-antibody titers were lower in hemodialysis patients than in normal subjects.<BR>5) No consistent relationship was demonstrated between hemodialysis duration and heterophile antibody titer.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
吉村 安郎
原田 利夫
岸本 宏史
鈴木 恵子
吉村 安郎
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