下顎骨病変を伴ったHistiocytosis Xの1例
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A case of histiocytosis X with mandibular bone involvement in a 10-year-old boy was reported. The diagnosis was rather easily established not only from feature of other bone and chest findings, but also biopsy from the oral region. The final diagnosis was mandibular manifestation of histiocytosis of Hand-Schiiller-Christian type.<BR>The patient was treated with extirpation for the lower anterior lesion, and with 3, 000 rad irradiation for the ramus lesion of the mandible. Before the treatment of the oral maxillofacial surgery, combination chemotherapy of prednisolone, 6-mercaptopurine vincristine, and methotrexate had been carried out.<BR>The extirpated material was carefully examined histopathologically, immuno-enzyme histochemically (S-100 protein), and electron microscopically. These findings were also described in this paper.
吉村 安郎
原田 利夫
岸本 宏史
杉原 隆英
斎藤 誠
三瓶 亮
吉村 安郎
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