Frey 症候群の1症例
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Frey's syndrome is characterized by sweating and flushing in the anterior auricular region during ingestion which may appear several weeks or months after trauma or operation in the parotid field. This syndrome is localized and often persistent when once appeared. We recently experienced a case of Frey's syndrome appeared after operation for condylar fracture and the clinical findings were evaluated including image diagnosis.<BR>A 20-year-old female received a corrective fixation for the fractures of mandibular body and bilateral condyles. The postoperative course was uneventful, however, abnormal sweating in the left anterior auricular region began to appear during ingestion from 22 months after operation. A starch-iodine test showed a sweating reaction in the left auriculo-temporal nerve region. No abnormal finding was observed by palpation, salivary scintigraphy and sialography except for slightly decreased salivation.<BR>The incidence of this syndrome varies from 35% to 62% by investigators and various treatment methods have been attempted, including general and local anticholinergicdrugs, blocking of ear nerve ganglion or tympanic plexus, radiotherapy and skin flap excision. However, these therapies mentioned above must be further improved because of possible recurrence and complication.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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