:A histochemical study
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We report a case of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, between the right maxillary lateral incisor and cuspid teeth in a 18-year-old girl.<BR>On radiographic examination, the tumor was suspected of a globulo-maxillary cyst.<BR>We further discuss the tumor's histogenesis and the nature of eosinophilic material at light microscopic level using various histochemical stainings.<BR>Results were summarized as follows:<BR>1) Duct-like and rosette-like structures were composed of columnar cells and spindle-shaped cells.<BR>2) The nuclei of the columnar cells forming the duct-like structures were polarized away from the ducts.<BR>3) Eosinophilic materials were often found in the above mentioned duct-like and rosettelike structures and solid cell masses in tumors.<BR>4) The eosinophilic materials in the duct-like and rosette-like structures were positive for periodic acidschiff (PAS), alcian blue or toluidine blue staining, on the other hand the eosinophilic materials in the solid cell masses were negative for PAS.<BR>5) Hematoxylinophilic materials in the solid cell masses were positive for PAS but negative for alcian blue.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
田中 輝男
石井 保雄
小金澤 一美
人見 権次郎
清水 孝之
石井 保雄
田中 輝男
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