Clinical study of the antipyretic analgesic AD-1590 in pain after difficult tooth extraction. Double-blind controlled study comparing with mefenamic acid and placebo.:Double-blind controlled study comparing with mefenamic acid and placebo
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A double-blind study of the antipyretic analgesic AD-1590 20 mg (Group A) was conducted to evaluate its utility in pain after difficult tooth extraction using the standard drug mefenamic acid 500 mg (Group M) and placebo (Group P) as controls.<BR>1. Out of 271 cases studied, 203 were analyzed. There was no significant difference in patient characteristics among the three groups.<BR>2. The onset of analgesic effect tended to be more rapid in Group A than in Group P. The duration of analgesic effect in Group A tended to be slightly shorter than that in Group M and tended to be longer than that in Group P. Group M showed a significant longer duration of effect than Group P.<BR>3. Both Group A and Group M were significantly superior in patient's impression to Group P. There was no significant difference between Group A and Group M.<BR>4. In overall improvement, both Group A and Group M were significantly superior to Group P. There was no significant difference between Group A and Group M.<BR>5. No side effect was found. In safety rating, all cases were rated as safe.<BR>6. In utility, both Group A and Group M were significantly superior to Group P. There was no significant difference between Group A and Group M.<BR>The above results suggest that AD-1590 has a rapid onset of effect and is a useful and highly safe drug in the management of pain after tooth extraction.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
中川 清昌
古田 勲
塩田 覚
石井 保雄
古田 勲
塩田 覚
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- Clinical study of the antipyretic analgesic AD-1590 in pain after difficult tooth extraction. Double-blind controlled study comparing with mefenamic acid and placebo.:Double-blind controlled study comparing with mefenamic acid and placebo
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