- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study was designed to investigate the relation between the shape and length of the styloid process and age. At the first step, as experimental study we examined the relation between the styloid process at skull and axial view of the layer for the Orthopanthomograph Model (Panoramax) and calculated the image distortion in panoramic radiography.<BR>Then as clinical study we examined the relation between the age and the styloid process for 633 patients aged 9 to 88 that visited to our clinic.<BR>Results were summarized as follows:<BR>I. It was confirmed that the styloid process was located in axial view of the layer for the Orthopanthomograph Model (Panoramax).<BR>2 Magnification in panoramic radiographs was 1.2, calculated using a simplified model devised by us.<BR>3. In all patients, the length of the styloid process tended to increase with advancing age.<BR>4. No distinct difference was found between male and female for elongation of the styloid process.<BR>5. The difference of styloid process length between left side and right increased with advancing age.<BR>6. The shape of the styloid process was classified into two types due to mineralization continuity, that is, one was split type and the other was non-split type. With all patients, the proportion of the split type markedly decreased with age. However cases with elongated styloid process were not related to increasing age. In all patients the proportion of the split type was 17.5%, but in the elongated styloid process it was 40.7%.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
松矢 篤三
藤下 昌巳
林堂 安貴
西尾 順太郎
綿谷 和也
中田 正之
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