A case of bilateral condylar neck fractures in a child. Exhibiting a morphologically and functionally healed course by a conservative treatment.:Exhibiting a morphologically and fhnctionally healed course by a conservative treatment
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A case of bilateral condlar neck fractures caused by indirect impact from the mental region in a 4-year-old boy is reported. The patient was hospitalized immediately after sustaining injury. On the third hospital day, manipulative reduction and intermaxillary fixation were performed under general anesthesia. Postoperative radiography revealed poor reduction of the right condyle, although the left condyle was favorably positioned. Intermaxillary fixation was done for a days without any postoperative complications. Both occlusion and mandibular motility during mouth opening were good by the 13 th hospital day. The patient has been followed up by physical and radiographic examinations for more than 3 years. The deviated right condyle was found to be correctly positioned within the glenoid fossa 16 months postoperatively. The upright position of the condylar neck was enabled by repositioning and osteo-remodelling.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
飯浜 剛
杉浦 正
富井 英之
根橋 克明
加藤 譲治
日本歯科大学新潟歯学部 第2口腔外科
土川 幸三
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