- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) The author isolated two yeasts from the infected sauce which form a thickring along the line of demarcation between the surface of sauce and the top of the bottle, and carried out their microbiological studies and classified them in Zygosaccharomyces sake var kikkoman nov. var. and Asporogene Saccharomyces kikkoman. (2) These yeasts show socalled “osmophilic” characters. And so, it is difficult to prevent the growth of these yeasts in usual concentration of sodium chloride or sugar of the marketed sauces, and acetic acid of the concentration exceeding 1.8 per cent is effective in preventing the infection. (3) By studying the effects of spices in sauces on the growth of these yeasts, the author found that pepper, ginger and cayennepepper do not prevent the growth of these yeasts but that cinnamon and cloves are valuable preservatives. (4) The author made a -discussion of the points, for which care must be taken to prevent the infection in the industrial mass production of sauce.
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