醤油酵母の研究 : (第2報)諸味中の酵母生菌数測定に就て(其の1)
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(1) The author studied on the methods for determining viable counts of yeasts in soy sauce mash, which differed significantly from other brewage mashes in its high contents of sodium chloride (about 18%) and high nitrogen concentration (total N 1.0_??_1.5%). (2) It was found that in the viable count of yeast cells grown in the soy sauce mash a re-markable fall was observed when ordinary media without sodium chloride were used for the plating, while any significant fall could not be observed when the media added with sodium chloride for the same concentrations as the mash were used. The use of the media with the high content of sodium chloride for the counting prevents the development of molds contained. in the mash and thus made the counting of the yeast colonies easier. It was also found that the media with ower concentrations of nitrogenous matters, when used as the plating media, did not cause any all of the viable count of the yeast cells present in the mash. Sincc the-osmophilic property of the soy yeasts against sodium chloride could be increased by the repea-ted cultures upon sodium chloride containing media, the author regarded it as an adaptive na-ture, to a certain extent, although the property had been hitherto believed to be genetically constant and transmissible.
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- 醤油酵母の研究 : (第2報)諸味中の酵母生菌数測定に就て(其の1)
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