- 論文の詳細を見る
The endoscopic ultrasonography (referred to as "EUS" hereafter) was employed in the diagnosis of gallbladder diseases in order to overcome diagnostic limitations of the conventional ultrasonography.Eighteen normal cases in autopsy and 90 clinical cases with gallbladder diseases underwent EUS. The instrument used in this study was the third prototype EUS with a 7.5 MHz trnasducer (Olympus GF-UM1).The gallbladder wall was demonstrated by EUS as 3 layers in the clinical examinations as well as in the normal autopsy specimen in water-bath. The comparison between findings by EUS and by histology made it possible to reveal the kind of tissue components to be matched with these ultrasonography layers.The 1st and most inner layer with slightly high echoic level meant the mucosal layer, the 2nd thin layer with low echoic one implicated the muscular layer and the 3rd high echoic layer was supposed to represent the subserosal and serosal layer.The gallbladder wall in case of adenomyomatosis came into sight as 2 layers consisting of a low echoic and thick layer and another high echoic layer. And the small cystic echoes were visualized in the inner low echoic layer by EUS.Concerning protruded lesions of the gallbladder, EUS enabled us to have a clear view of the cholesterol polyps in the gallbladder as a multiple granular structure composed of high echoic spots.EUS, also, made it possible to disclose the polypoid type of gallbladder cancer as the papillary irregular low echoic mass. The tumor infiltration into the gallbladder wall was clearly demonstrated by EUS as the destruction of 3 layers of the gallbladder wall. This appearance also might help differentiate cancer from the other benign polypoid lesions.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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- Clinicopathological studies of ultrasonography in the space occupying lesion of the liver.
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- Endoscopic observation on the papilla of Vater
- タイトル無し
- The Gastric Secretion in Primary Hyperparathyroidism Before and After Parathyroidectomy
- A, Study, on, usefulness, and, problem, of, ultrasonic, mass, survey
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- The role of ultrasonic mass survey in the diagnosis of gallbladder carcinoma
- 胆嚢結石と胆嚢癌発生に関する臨床的研究
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- A case of asymptomatic primary sclerosing cholangitis treated by ursodeoxycholic acid.
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- タイトル無し
- Investigation of endogenous prostaglandins on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced colonic cancer in rats. Inhibition of proliferation in colonic cancer with indomethacin treatment.:Inhibition of Proliferation in Colonic Cancer with Indomethacin Treatment
- An analysis of the structure of gastric ulcer by endoscopic ultrasonography.
- Effects of dietary factors and fecal bile acids on DMH induced colon cancer in rat.
- 胆嚢の超音波内視鏡像の臨床病理学的研究
- Macroscopic, pathological and stereomicroscopic studies of experimental gastric cancers in dogs.