- 論文の詳細を見る
Acquisition of vocabulary and sentences in oral language (OL) by infants with severe hearing impairment during 12th to 23rd month of age was compaired with that in written language (WL) . Six severely hearing-impaired infants were tested, whose averages of pure tone thresholds at 500, 1000, and 2000Hz were more than 90 dB (JIS, 1969) . The infants were stimulated to OL sinc their 13th month of age, while WL since 14th month. The main results were as followes:<BR>1) All of the infants acquired the vocabulary in WL, while that in OL was acquired by three of them.<BR>2) The mean numbers of receptive vocabulary acquired were 3.3 (0-17 words) in OL, but 50.5 (12-101 words) in WL.<BR>3) On the other hand, the mean numbers of expressive vocabulary were 4.5 (0-9 words) in OL, and 50.5 (12-101 words) in WL.<BR>4) None of six infants could comprehend 2-word sentences in OL, while two of them could in WL.<BR>From these results, we concluded that acquision of WL was easier than that of OL. This study suggested that the early presentation of WL was effective in the program of language training for the severely hearing-impaired infants.
- 日本音声言語医学会の論文
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