Language achievements of hearing-impaired children receiving written language instruction from an early age.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Achievements test data was analyzed for seven hearing-impaired children who were trained by our special written language-auditory method (Kanazawa Method) as compared with those who underwent the ordinary training system (aural-oral method) .<BR>The results indicate : 1) Assessment of our children's language comprehension, administered aurally, was higher than for those trained by the ordinary method.<BR>2) The speech intelligibility score in our children was not lower than with those trained by the usual method.<BR>3) our children's reading age level was about 2 years older than their chronological age.<BR>4) There was a strong correlation between results of infantile reading achievement test administered at 5 years, 6 months and elementary school reading tests at 6 years, 2 months (r=0.99) .<BR>These results suggest that written language instruction at an early age helps hearing-impaired preschoolers acquire language.
- 日本音声言語医学会の論文
宮崎 為夫
梅田 良三
古川 仭
能登谷 晶子
鈴木 重忠
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- Language achievements of hearing-impaired children receiving written language instruction from an early age.