- 論文の詳細を見る
In connection with the previous report, the present paper deals with the application of the red fluorescence, which appears in the reaction of copper ions with thiolized thiamine, to a new qualitative analysis of copper. Cuprous ion was more sensitive to this fluorescence analysis than cupric ion.<BR>The thiolized thiamine reagent was prepared by dissolving thiamine hydrochloride in sodium hydroxide at pH 11. The sample solution was prepared by reducing cupric ion to cuprous with hydroxylamine hydrochloride, and adjusting pH to 7. The fluorescence study was carried out on both spot test and solvent extraction methods. <BR>In spot test analysis, a portion of sample solution was spotted on a filter paper, the thiolized thiamine reagent was then added, and the red fluorescence was measured under ultraviolet rays of 3650Å. The limit of identification was 0.3μg Cu per drop. <BR>In the extraction method, the reaction product of cuprous-thiolized thiamine system was extracted with <I>iso</I>-amyl alcohol and then the intensity of the red fluorescence was also examined in the same way described above. The limit of identification of copper was 6μg per m<I>l</I>.<BR>Further study showed that this red fluorescence was quite specific for copperion, and no other cations and anions except sulfide quenched the fluorescence and interfered with the detection of copper.
- 社団法人 日本分析化学会の論文
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- 「1990年版衛生試験法・注解」に向けて
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- Protective Effect of Molybdenum on the Acute Toxicity of Mercuric Chloride. II.
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- オクテット
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- 金属と疾病
- Effect of Basic Cupric Acetate on the Biochemical Changes in the Liver of the Rat Fed Carcinogenic Aminoazo Dye. II. Activity and Isozyme Pattern of Lactate Dehydrogenase
- 鉱泉試験法(I.衛生試験法)
- 薄層クロマトグラフィーによるアルミニウム,ベリリウム,クロムの分離定性
- 微量金属と生体--温泉療法の生化学的基礎概念 (日本温泉科学会第44回大会号)
- 発光分光分析法による浮遊粉じん中の微量元素の分析
- Effect of Aluminium Chloride on Binding of 4-Hydroxyamino-Quinoline 1-Oxide to Nucleotides
- Effect of Aluminium Chloride on Metabolism of 4-Nitroquinoline 1-Oxide
- Effect of Aluminium Chloride on Binding of 4-Hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-Oxide to Nucleic Acids
- 環境汚染物質の生体影響 (IV) : 有機塩素系化合物