飲食品の汚染指標としての腸球菌に関する研究-III : 腸球菌の榮養要求とその菌型分類との関係
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Nonhemolytic strains of enterococcus group, as reported in the preceding paper, were divided into three distinct types on the basis of the fermentation test. This study was undertaken to know the difference in nutritional requirements by three types of enterococci. It has been shown that all strains tested, representing the three types, required three kinds of vitamins, pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid and biotin, and nine amino acids, glutamic acid, arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, valine, tryptophane and glycine. However, marked differences in the requirements of riboflavin, folic acid and threonine were observed among three types of enterococci. The type I organisms require both riboflavin and threonine, while the absence of folic acid in the medium suppresses the growth of this type. The type II organisms require folic acid and threonine, but not riboflavin. On the contrary, the type III organisms require riboflavin, but not folic acid and threonine.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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- 7. 汚染指標細菌とその検査法
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- 飲食品の汚染指標としての腸球菌に関する研究-III : 腸球菌の榮養要求とその菌型分類との関係
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